
On-line PAPERS Electronic Submission for the Workshops:

  1. "The 2nd International Workshop on ICT for the Preservation and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage"
    - Electronic Submission

  2. "The 3rd International Workshop on 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage"
    - Electronic Submission

  3. "The 1 st International Workshop on Virtual Reality, Gamification and Cultural Heritage"
    (Deadlines: Submission is 31st of August 2016, Notification: 19 September 2016, and
    Camera Ready: 25 September 2016)

    Call for Papers and Information
    - Electronic Submission

  4. "Information and Communication Technologies for Cultural Heritage Applications"
    Call for Papers and Information
    - Electronic Submission

  5. "Re-Thinking Management and Valorization of Middle East Cultural Heritage in the Post-War period: Where Disasters Turns to Opportunity, Development and Growth"
    Call for Papers and Information (Deadline 30th of Sept. 2016)
    - Electronic Submission